Saturday, February 16, 2008



So finally I met him.

I know there are a lot of spiders from an article I read. But I didn't realize there are so many of them until I came to New Zealand. They are everywhere. Everywhere! Once my colleague gave me a ride. And I noticed a big web covering his side mirror. I remember asking him "how often do you wash your car?". That was supposed to be a joke as it's hard for me to understand how that happened. I did not drive at that time.

Now I own a car. And the same thing happened to me. Since a few months ago, I started getting this annoying web. I've never really thought about it too much. Just wiped it off when I saw it and it kept coming back. One day, I had a passenger and we started talking about it. I told him there must be a spider living behind my mirror and it would be the reason why the web always comes back on the same mirror and sometimes it could be as quick as overnight. My passenger is a smart guy. "Maybe it is a double side mirror. The spider is looking at us right and laughing about our conversation". That scares me. It is a spy.

Finally, I decided to do something about it. I took my fly spray. I sprayed on the gap around the mirror. Nothing happened. After all, there are a lot of space behind the mirror. I started the car to get my grocery. Maybe this is not the best way. I was thinking. Maybe I should use a stick or something. But suddenly, something black appeared on my mirror. It was him! He was huge like a soy bean. He had strong but short legs. He was in deep panic. I could see he did not what to do next. Just a second, he felled down to the street. He is gone...

I spend at least an hour in my car everyday. He lived behind the mirror for almost half year. We are no more than one metre away from each other. Yet we only met once. And that was when I killed him.

I do not want to rent my mirror out to another spider. But I do feel bad about what happened. So lest I forget.

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