Sunday, February 10, 2008

The best show?

America is a great country and one of the things that make her great is the how everyone’s vote counts. I really should be the last person to care about America election. But, it is so interesting and I just could not be cool with it. One woman and one black guy. Either of them is elected would break the glass ceiling. However, I do have a favourite. I like Hillary. I don’t know much. But I do know she has dedicated her life to Americans. She has plans and she knows them inside out. In contrast, I really feel Obama is just a great speaker. He must be brilliant to get so much support. But all I know about him is from those youtube clips I watched. I can see what a wonderful speaker he is. And obviously he is a great writer too (just check out the speech he gave in that convention before he was elected to senator). But what makes me feel he might not be as good as Hillary is … he is just a great speaker. In those debates, he chokes a lot. He has problem to get his views straight out without interruption. It actually makes me feel very uncomfortable when he talks in debate. I know some people have problems to speak because of certain illness. But I don’t think Obama is one of them. Comparing how great he is when there is a speech prepared to how bad he is when he has to come up with what to say (and smart) in real time, I think it is nature to ask whether or not he really knows what he is talking about. If I have worked on something important and carefully reached a plan, I would be very confident about any decision I made. So it is really easy to think he does not really know his plans inside out. But Hillary is such a star when talking about her plans. She knows her stuffs inside out and you can see how she replies without hesitation.

But it is too bad. People wants to change and Obama represents such a good change. Like something I read, Obama to voter is like a first date. One would not want to ask too much to destroy a good image. What would be a better candidate than one who is charming with a fresh history and who might break the biggest race challenge. What is even worst for Hillary is that her advantage, her experience, might not be that convincible. Whoever goes to the white house would be able to do a ok job as there are so many smart people around to help. Besides there is no chance to people to see both situations. Anyway, no matter how they try to make voter to think who would do the right person for the job, impression plays a big part in how regular people makes decisions.

I think I have to try not to care too much about their election. After all, there is nothing I could do about it. Just a reality show to me!

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