Monday, December 31, 2007

Good bye, 2007!

I found a list I made at the beginning of 2007. It is sort of a resolution. I think it was made at the end of January. It looks like I actually have achieved some of them. But sadly, I also failed a few of them, which are quite important ones.

1. Achieve good academic grades:

Too bad that it is one of those I did not make it. I was hoping I could get averyage A for all four papers. Two of them are supposed to be easier: 734 and 711 (these two are thought be to be .NET coding papers and normally it is easier to get better grades in such papers). The other two paper, 732 and 742, are thought to have a lot of reading and writing. So my expectation is lower. Now I have two points less than average A level (That is average A-). I think my biggest failure is 711. I did not get into study mood quick enough at that semester. I remember how I finished its first assignment less than five minutes before the due time and how I worked with my assignment partner till midnight a couple days before the due date of assignment two. But then I got almost full for the first one and full marks for the second one. So I was back on track and I only need to perform good at final exam which I had enough time to prepare. But my lazy bones…

Anyway, what all these mean I have to work harder in 2008 as I need average A level to get my honours degrees. Next year, I would have to a little better than average A level to spare some points to my work in 2007.

2. Do some work to improve my English:

I actually had very specific plans. But the only thing I did was trying to read more. But it has only happened since later 2007. I did enjoy some books I read this year and I feel I am getting back to my “reading shape”. But I need to do a lot of formal studying and training for my English. Especially I will have a long dissertation to write and maybe a million papers to read in 2008.

3. Participate in at least one volunteer work:

This is one of the things I actually did! Yes! First half of 2007, I was in a very bad situation. But I tried to pull myself together and started working for North Harbour Special Olympic since June. My job was to look after the bowling game at Saturday (enter athlete’s name, remind turns, record scores, etc). It is really wonderful feeling to help others. There are another two long term volunteers and they get on very well with all athletes. They are the stars! They made jokes and they made people laugh all the time. But I was just as quiet as normal. So I did not think I left an impression or anything. But after a few weeks away due to my exams, I got a big applause when I showed again. I also helped on Farmer’s Santa parade this year. Last year I had to skip it as Hao got married at the very same day. But anyway, it was not that exciting. I was in charge of water station. But there were only six boxes of them and all were gone more than one hour before the parade. I tried to pick up empty bottles as instructed in my letter. But then an unidentified woman told me not to do that because cleaner would pick them up. So I basically got nothing to do. a few days ago, I also helped Volunteer Auckland for the fund raising at Sylvia Park shopping mall. We had gift wrapping stations and wrapped gifts for gold coin donations. But a lot of people think that was for free and a few even complained it was too expensive when I told them it was for a charge. One particular woman complained I was too slow and asked if she could wrap herself on another station where the volunteer is away. That was a bit odd. I don’t suppose she would complain that to a food stall and ask to cook herself in their kitchen. Then later she was told each package required a coin donation by the other volunteer and she said I did not charge that much to others. I doubt she could see how much money each put in our cups. Anyway, to be honest, it was not very pleasant.

4. Sponsor a child:

This is another thing I actually did. But I did not do that until I changed to another job with better pays. But I feel very guilty that I did not reply my child’s letter in time. I actually replied his first letter almost half year later. I kept picturing that poor boy waiting for a letter while his friends all have letters from their sponsors. So I promised to write him in time next time. Actually it was not that hard because we are not encouraged to write a lot as the translations resource is limited. Speaking of that, I really should send him something for the new year. Too bad he will not get that until a few months later. but I should do that anyway. (mental note: do it when I am out next time)

5. Play a racket game:

Now I started playing badminton! Badminton is one of the things I have wanted to do for a very long time. But back in China, there is no convenient facility or players. I am glad that finally I have done it though I was not good at all. I am quite jealous how others improve themselves quickly and I am still at the lowest grade and could not do smash properly. I guess it takes time and confidence.

6. Swim:

I guess what I meant is to swim properly and possibly free style. But I did not swim that much this year and it is quite embarrassing to learn free style at my age in swimming pool. I dream to have the confidence to swim in ocean. I remember how those people at Takapuna Summer Series swam from Takapuna beach to Rangitoto island. That is the ability I want! But I can’t see how I can get there under current circumstance. I think I am too uptight in swimming pool where so many people are around. This is something hard to overcome as it is in my personalities.

7. In terms of career, do some coding practise at my own time and participate in more web community activities:

I did not do much for these too. However I got my MCTS in Web Application this year (it is funny that I will start working on something other than web right after I got it). I still think it is very important to do those things but it was not that easy to balance work and study at the same time. And sometimes it requires a lot of time to get into the mood. I think this will be the key point if I want to achieve good grades next year. I need to find a mind switch!

8. Create a blog or website:

This one… too ashamed to talk about…

9. Half marathon:

This is the last on my list and I am happy to say I have done this one though it was not very good. After running for almost two years, I should have finished the half marathon better. My plan was to finish it no slower than 1 hour 45 minutes (so 5 minutes per kilometre in average). But my result was almost 2 hours. My excuse was I did not run for almost a month right before the race due to my study. Another excuse is I did not realize how important running gear is. I felt all sort of pain during the run (I had one test run about three days before the race which was after almost a month with no training at all). I was basically ten minutes slower than I expected and the ten minutes’ delay happened in the first 10K. I think I could get to the pace I planned if I have a bit more training. I might do another half marathon next year (maybe just run without paying for it J).

So this is my 2007. I had a very hard time in the first half of 2007. But now looking back, it does not seem so bad after all. I guess time is relative. Depending which time spot one stands, a bad thing could turn into good somehow.

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