Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Good luck, Hillary!

Tomorrow probably will be the most important day in Hillary Clinton's career. I read something from New Zealand Herald which says:

Most are voting for Obama because they want to keep Clinton out of the White House, he said.

"We've always had our quota, plus some, of Hillary haters. They think they can drive a stake through her presidential heart, and they are hammering away with gusto," Murray said.

That is exactly what I feels. I am not in US and I don't really know much about America. However, I always have this feeling that a lot of people just don't like to have another Clinton to get into the White House. Not that Bill Clinton has done a bad job. It is just that George W. Bush set a bad example. People are not so fancy about the idea that the members from the same family taking their turn to lead the country. Obviously, Obama is not winning because he has a better plan or he is more qualify. He is winning because young people think he is cool. He has a clean history and people would like to think he would be able to lead a fresh start. Hillary campaign has found concrete example of his inability. However, people refuse to accept the idea.

I really hope she could win the big states and therefore keep her campaign. Good luck!

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